Using group discussion based on readings from his poetry collection: Life, love, Politics and other Silliness. Trefor and the group will explore the nature of poetic inspiration: where does it come from? How do we utilise it? Why do we feel the need?
When asked: where does inspiration come from? Maria, Trefor’s Russian born wife and a poet in her own right, answered: ‘You never know from what waste bin it can grow.’
All will be welcome to join in and try their hand at the exercises, so bring your quills, pens or pencils, but no waste bins please.
All are welcome.
Since completing his Doctorate in Creative Writing in 2014 at Bangor University Trefor has divided his time between Moscow and Anglesey.
In Moscow he is working on a series of short stories and a diary style journal entitled ‘Letter from Moscow’ whilst missing his home in Anglesey.
In Anglesey he is working on his second novel entitled ‘The Lost’ and the re-titled journal ‘Letter from Moscow via Bodorgan’ whilst missing his home in Moscow.