tells the story of their magical partnership, from their first trick to the height of their careers – attempting Houdini’s greatest and deadliest escape. The show is packed with hilarious magic, puppetry, escapology, and the hunt for a child with Royal heritage. Hilariously silly, it builds to the ultimate challenge – before your very eyes attempting a spectacular, death-defying piece of escape.
THE CHILDREN’S MAGIC SHOW is a chance to see two magical superstars at the very pinnacle of their powers. A Joyously silly romp. Guaranteed to have children (and parents) screaming with laughter.
The Great Baldini is an award-winning member of the Magic Circle and the Bristol Stage Magic Champion.
“Incredible” Front Row, BBC Radio 4
“Wonderful, a joy” Pick of the Week, BBC Radio 4
“Charming, engaging, and charismatic. A pleasure.” FringeReview
“A seasoned professional, excellent command of the stage.” Broadway Baby