‘I am following in the exquisite footsteps of Miss Edna St. Vincent Millay, unhappily in my own horrible sneakers.’
So wrote Dorothy Parker in 1925 about one of the greatest poets of the last century who died in 1950.
Phil Bowen looks at both Millay’s work, Parker’s herself and Robert Graves‘s muse and collaborator Laura Riding, including workshop exercises based on the three women’s work.
This is an all-day workshop
Phil Bowen was born in Liverpool in 1949, and before becoming a
full time writer in 1994, worked as a teacher and a publican.
Salt published Nowhere’s Far – New & Selected Poems in 2008.
Recent work includes ‘Orange Blind ‘ – poems about the Scottish Colourists
‘Love Somehow‘ – a film about Caitlin Thomas – and a recently
recorded marathon oral poem called ‘All the Stuff‘.