Lit Soc: Patricia Lennan

Gwener 19 Gorffennaf 1:00 pm
Oes gennych chi ddiddordeb mewn ysgrifennu ffuglen hanesyddol?

Yn y gweithdy hwn mae Patricia yn tynnu ar ei phrofiad ei hun o gynhyrchu nofel hanesyddol. Bydd yn archwilio sut i greu ymdeimlad dilys o le ac amser wrth blethu dychymyg a greddf. Bydd syniadau ar ymchwil yn cael eu rhannu a thrafodaeth ynghyd ag ymarferion rhyngweithiol i ysgogi syniadau.

Patricia developed an interest in writing from a very young age. At age eleven she produced her own animal magazine which she sold in school. In her own words, ‘It was probably very badly done,’ but it spurred her interest in continuing to write short stories and poems, and that interest never dwindled.   After a spell training in journalism on a local newspaper Patricia developed a travel bug and life took her in different directions.  On returning she trained in Holistic Health and Health Education, teaching for various organisations and colleges, but continued to write,  producing a local community magazine, writing articles and short stories, and studied creative writing as part of a degree course.

On moving to North Wales, where her family were originally from, she developed a great interest in Welsh history, researching family history and exploring the magical landscape.  Her idea for her novel sprang from this.  With family commitments and work it wasn’t an easy task but as she stated light heartedly, ‘I didn’t want my epitaph to read “She never wrote that novel!” so I encourage people to never give up.’

Patrica is a member of Copper Writers, writing group, and Llandonna Writers. She helps to organise the Anglesey Writing Festival and, having trained in Mindfulness, is at present developing a course in Mindful Writing.

2 awr
Holyhead Boatyard


Ucheldre Centre, Millbank, Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey, LL65 1TE
Ffôn: 01407 763361

Oriau Agor:
10am – 5pm Dydd Llun – Dydd Sadwrn
2pm – 5pm Dydd Sul

© 2022 Hawlfraint Ucheldre Caergybi