Hansel, Gretel And The Christmas Twist

Saturday 11 January 2:00 pm
Brought to you by Masks And Muses!

A Panto for the New Year

A story of Elves, Witches and Fairies. Wooden spoons and musical tunes.

This is Hansel, Gretel and The Christmas Twist, where things beyond the Holly Bushes are far beyond Merry.


£6, £5 concessions, £4 children
Holyhead Boatyard


Ucheldre Centre, Millbank, Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey, LL65 1TE
Telephone: 01407 763361

Opening Hours:
10am – 5pm Monday to Saturday
2pm – 5pm  Sunday

© 2022 Copyright Ucheldre Holyhead*